Download The Dream Meld by Andrew Turner (.ePUB) (.MOBI)

The Dream Meld by Andrew Turner
Requirements: ePUB MOBI Reader, 606 Kb
Overview: Terry Fletcher was Sunnyvale Retirement Home’s newest arrival. To him it wasn’t just the end of his old life, but the end of the road.
That was before the dreams began.
The ensuing strange and compelling visions soon reawaken suppressed longings. Ones so deeply buried, not even Terry was aware of their existence. Once roused these powerful yearnings will push him into realms beyond anything he could ever have imagined in the dull and unadventurous life he led before.
Anything is possible. Wish hard enough and sometimes dreams can come true. And depending on how much you’re willing to strive for it you might just be able to realise your heart’s desire.
However the journey to get there may cost you a lot more than you bargained for.
Genre: Fantasy


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