Download The Daughters of Avalon by Katrina Rasbold (.ePUB)(.MOBI)

The Daughters of Avalon by Katrina Rasbold (Seven Sisters of Avalon #1)
Requirements: Epub reader/Mobi reader, 843 Kb
Overview: This is an epic saga of two families living at the dawn of the Dark Ages who are brought together not only through the power of magic, but by love and passion that survives through many lifetimes. Together, they work to restore Britain to its glory, battling against political opposition on all sides as the country sinks deeper into despair and oppression.

Daughters of Avalon is a story about the inter-connectedness that touches us all and how the fine strands of circumstance bind us together in an intricate and interwoven dance of life. Bran, The Merlin of Britain Reborn, and the love of his life, Lillian, who is The Lady of the Lake, work to assure the safety of Avalon and the people who practice the Old Ways on the mainland. Working aggressively to end the rampant persecution that took hold after the death of Arthur, they find a unique and unusual way to propagate the return of magic throughout the land.

This is book one of the series Seven Sisters of Avalon that follows the secret ambassadors of Avalon out into the world to preserve the sanctity of magic and find their own adventures in the construct of some of our familiar childhood tales. Enjoy these familiar stories told as you have never heard them before, set against the backdrop of ancient Britain.
Genre: Fantasy


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