Download The Darkling Crown by J.E. Bridges (.ePUB)

The Darkling Crown by J.E. Bridges (John Bridges) (The Fall of High Shadows #1)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 795 KB
Overview: Ciresse is sixteen years old. Beautiful. A baroness. A witch. Not at all human. And destined to journey through hell…

The age of the ancient Athirians is coming to an end. Their power, which has dominated the world of High Shadows for over ten thousand years, is waning. But one sorcerer still retains some of that power and with it, he has brought the great Athirian Empire to its knees. He has also kidnapped a young girl and, through supernatural means, has imprisoned her in the darkest bowels of a dungeon hundreds of miles from her home.

With the help of a beautiful thief and a giant, demon troll, Ciresse of Athir must make her way across the breathtaking and often perilous landscape of Samsira, the world of High Shadows. As she journeys on a path toward vengeance and redemption, she will encounter horrors and wonders that are both unnatural and beyond imagination.
Genre: Horror


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