Download The Darkest Night by Mike Kraus (.ePUB)

The Darkest Night by Mike Kraus (Surviving the Fall Series – Book 7)
Requirements: .ePUB Reader | 184 kb
Overview: Rick, Jane and Dr. Evans have escaped from the Cheyenne Mountain Complex just before it is sealed. With Dr. Evans having found a clue that could lead to the termination of Damocles they must decide whether to risk it all in an attempt to stop what is happening. Meanwhile, Dianne and Jason have rescued Tina from the clutches of the gang, but Jason has paid a terrible price. His survival will hinge on the group working together – or else.

Surviving the Fall is a thrilling post-apocalyptic episodic series that focuses on Rick and Dianne Waters and how they each deal with the apocalypse. Stranded across the country away from his family, Rick must travel from California to Virginia to reunite with his wife and children, all while struggling to comprehend and deal with the horrors along the way.

At home with her three children when she experiences the beginning of the end in a dramatic and deadly fashion, Dianne Waters has experience as a prepper and survivalist, but not even years of training and preparation have readied her for the darkness that comes with the end of the world. Now she must draw upon those skills to protect her loved ones and fight back against those who come against her and her family.
Genre: Science Fiction > Post-Apocalyptic


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