Download The Dane Commission (The Dane Chronicles #1) by Max Dane (.ePUB)+

The Dane Commission (The Dane Chronicles #1) by Max Dane
Requirements: .ePUB, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 1 mb
Overview: “Try to understand, Ryan, they aren’t picking a specific way to stop the reproductive process. They aren’t looking for a unique signal to turn specific cells dormant. They seem to be searching for any random throwing of switches that will make our reproductive cells cease to act as they should. It’s more like using a shotgun than a rifle. Random signals blanketing cells, which signal other cells, and ultimately cause our reproductive cells to ignore any activity whatsoever. The interactions arising as the fallout are what harmed the patients.” After wiping his face, he continued, “We identified these as treatment errors, but that’s not what they are.” Jeff stood up abruptly and threw his folders across the floor. “Someone is learning how to kill us!”
Genre: Fiction > Mystery/Thriller


A futuristic thriller springing from a chilling mystery! Join Ryan Dane in the year 2075, a modern hero with a singularly pragmatic perspective, as he begins a new job with IntelliHealth, mankind’s new-world benefactor, recognized the world over as the pinnacle of genetic research. The first of its kind, IntelliHealth combines genetic research and hospital care in a network of colossal facilities, towering above every major city on the planet!

Hired to investigate mysterious treatment errors rising from within the IntelliHealth planet-wide healthnet, Ryan must piece together unlikely clues to reach an impossible conclusion: thousands of patients are receiving unexplained and sometimes lethal medical treatments, and all from no apparent source. Ryan’s investigation grows chilling as the mounting evidence begins to reveal a directed research program, subjecting thousands of patients to genetic manipulation for a terrible purpose. Ryan and his team of experts race to unveil the dark mastermind orchestrating the worldwide experiment before the fate of humanity is sealed.

The Dane Commission is a thrilling combination of mystery and suspense set in a world where technology has become awesome and terrible on a scale not previously imagined. With influences from Michael Crighton, Robin Cook and Arthur C. Clarke, it is a treat for thriller and science fiction fans alike.

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