Download The Daddy Doctors Series by S.M. Heart (.ePUB)

The Daddy Doctors Series by S.M. Heart (Books #1-2)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 425 kB
Overview: S.M. Heart is a registered nurse and has studied, among other things, German studies, creative writing, and screenwriting. For S.M. Heart, BDSM has been a part of life since her early teenage years, and it’s hard to imagine life without it. As you can tell from the books, S.M. Heart has an abysmal dislike for vulgar language.
Genre: Fiction > Erotic MM


The Daddy Doctors and their Little Boy (#1)
Can two Daddy Doctors save this Boy?
The Little Boy’s greatest fear is never to be good enough.
His deepest longing is to find unconditional love.
But they don’t want him to be happy …
Two hot Daddy Doctors are searching for a Little Boy to love.
Their strongest desire is to get someone to match their kinks.
Are they really too different to find a Boy they both can love?

The Kink-Doctor and his Sissy-boy (#2)
Simon Marshall, kink doctor extraordinaire, has made it. His BDSM ‘Club SMart’ is more successful than ever. The Daddy Doctors have set up their private consultation for the Kink community. As a result, he can finally concentrate on what is really important in his life: his secret relationship with Paul.
Paul Green, F&B manager and waiter at ‘Club SMarts,’ is relieved that the remodeling at the club is finally complete and the reopening of the clinic area and the new consultation hours are imminent. Finally, at last, he could concentrate on his secret long-term relationship with his boss and kink doctor Simon Marshall, if it weren’t for … Yes, if it weren’t for a certain brat named Marc, who is interested in Simon Marshall himself and knows how to exploit Paul’s every insecurity and plans one intrigue after the next.
Can Simon and Paul save their relationship despite the obstacles?

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