Download The Crucible of Levina by Andrew Haines (.ePUB)

The Crucible of Levina by Andrew Haines (The Crucible of Levina #1)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 406 KB
Overview: Martin, who is a typical college student, becomes a victim in a severe car accident which claims his life. Waking up to find the afterlife to be completely different than his previous predictions, Martin finds himself in a place where the common folk are robots and cyborgs, the world breathes magic and imitates an augmented reality game system. Struggling to adapt to this new reality, Martin finds himself the center of a war and the only one that can unlock an ancient weapon called the Crucible. With few friends he can trust, Martin has to figure out how to live his new life and more importantly, survive.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Horror


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