Download The Confetti Pact by Lilly Bartlett, Michele Gorman (.ePUB)

The Confetti Pact by Lilly Bartlett, Michele Gorman
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 332 kB
Overview: Nelly Roberts needs a fiancé – fast!

When she’s left in the lurch with not just a wedding but also the country’s biggest magazine feature on the line, social media star, Nelly, has no choice but to substitute one groom for another. Luckily, Rafael Moreno Cortes needs a visa, so they make a deal: act the perfect couple for as long as it takes to get them both what they want. The catch? Absolutely nobody can know the truth.

With the magazine following their every move, Nelly’s ex re-emerges with a change of heart just as her pretend feelings for Rafael start to be anything but pretend. What could possibly go wrong?
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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