Download The Case Against Vaccine Mandates by Kent Heckenlively (.ePUB)+

Case Against Vaccine Mandates by Kent Heckenlively
Requirements: .ePUB, .PDF reader, 2.3 MB
Overview: Kent Heckenlively, New York Times bestselling author of Plague of Corruption, calls upon both common sense and legal precedence to fight against vaccine mandates around the country.

"My body, my choice!" used to be the rallying cry of the left in the abortion fight. But now this same principle of bodily autonomy is the central argument of conservatives, such as that of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis in fierce opposition to so-called "vaccine passports," which would limit whether an individual could attend movies or other public events, work, or even go to school, if they chose to decline a COVID-19 vaccine.

While cities like New York close their doors to unvaccinated people, the fight against vaccine mandates is cobbling together an unexpected alliance across the political spectrum, such as the Black mayor of Boston, Kim Janey, who recently claimed, "there’s a long history" in this country of people "needing to show their papers" and declaring any such passport as akin to slavery.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Educational


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