Download The Breakup by Rashad Freeman (.ePUB)

The Breakup by Rashad Freeman (If The World Was Ending Trilogy 1)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 216 kb
Overview: It’s a love story at the end of the world.

Or maybe it isn’t.

Clark and Olivia hate each other.

After a messy breakup they find themselves hundreds of miles apart, arguing on the phone over a dog when everything goes dark. The end to their chaotic romance is just the beginning of the end of the world.

The power goes out. Emergency services stop responding. People lose all humanity as the strong prey on the weak. When the entire government crumbles in a matter of days, all hope is lost. The end is nigh.

But Clark has one thing left to say to Olivia. And he’ll brave hell, high water, and a hundred miles of destruction just to tell her face to face.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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