Download The Bloodstone Vial by Anita Higman, Hillary McMullen (.ePUB)+

The Bloodstone Vial by Anita Higman, Hillary McMullen (The Belrose Abbey Mystery series Book 2)
Requirements: .ePUB .MOBI .AZW3 Reader | 948 kb
Overview: In the time it takes for a villain to breathe his last, Anne and her mother, Dauphine, suddenly inherit Belrose Abbey—a gothic castle set on a monstrous estate, complete with devious servants, mysterious forests, and the darkest of secrets. The more they settle into their new home, the more unsettling the house becomes. What do all the unmarked graves mean? Where are all the people who had arrived on the estate but then vanished? And could there really be an abandoned insane asylum on the property? Although Anne and Dauphine are determined to purge all the horrors from Belrose Abbey, this new mystery could very well be their undoing…
Genre: Mystery Thriller


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