Download The Blind Duke by Charity McColl (.ePUB)

The Blind Duke by Charity McColl (Regency Romance #1)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 150kb
Overview: Can a blind duke robbed of all but his dignity find it in his heart to allow a common tenant girl, Alana Carrington, to raise him from despair.

Grant, Duke of Herefordshire, has lost more than his sight – he has lost hope of ever seeing love or life again. After returning from the American war to find his once thriving estate ransacked and abandoned by his own servants, he is left to die a lonely death within it’s dark walls.

It is only when he stumbles into one of his estate tenants, Alana Carrington, that the light begins to break through.

Will the Duke’s former glory be restored to him and his duchy, and will Grant once again move in society worthy of his station – and when he does will he remember the gentle Alana, a mere commoner, and all she has done for him?
Genre: Fiction > Romance > Historical


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