Download The Allstars Series Creek by KC Kean (.ePUB)

The Allstars Series by KC Kean (1-3)
Requirements: epub/azw3/mobi reader, 709 KB
Overview: KC Kean is the sassy half of a match made in heaven. Mummy to two beautiful children, Pokemon Master and Apex Legend world saving gamer.
Genre: Romance


1. Toxic Creek – “It’s so nice when toxic people stop talking to you. It’s like the trash took itself out.”
I had everything I ever wanted until my life was flipped upside down. Now, I’m suddenly being forced to live in my parent’s hometown, with complete strangers. Like my heart isn’t broken enough. Could I fall any further?
Yes. Yes, I could.
Why might that be?
The Allstars. Xavier Knight, Hunter Asheville, and Tobias Holmes. Asheville High’s prestigious star football players.
They’re my worst nightmare. But damn – why do they have to be so mouth-wateringly hot? I mean I’m sure there is more to them, I can see it in their eyes, but I won’t be getting any closer to pinpoint what it is exactly.
They seem to think I’m breakable, but they obviously don’t know me at all. The Allstars have no idea of what I’m dealing with, and I’m not above biting back.
I’m here out of a promise to my mother, but this damn town screws with you. Knight’s Creek welcomes you in, with its picture-perfect neighborhoods, making you think it’s safe, quaint, and wholesome. But in reality, this toxic town seeps into your soul and tears you apart.
Now, I have no choice but to stay and piece myself back together. The second I graduate, I’m getting the hell out of here.
In theory, it sounds simple. Right?

2. Tainted Creek – I thought I’d already seen the worst of Knight’s Creek, but I was wrong. This toxic town just became much more tainted.
There is nothing worse than having a joyous bombshell dropped in my lap with the goal of knocking me down. And I hate to admit the truth, but it might be working.
I can’t stand being here anymore, but any attempts to run are ruined as I’m forced further into the newly created mold that is Asheville High’s whore.
I’m right where they want me to be. The pain, the taunts, their failed attempts to break me don’t stop my irrational need for them. I guess I must be broken, just not in the way they want.
I’m ready for whatever this town and the Allstars have to throw at me. There is no room in my life for any more secrets or surprises, right?
My father taught me to be resilient, fierce. They haven’t seen anything yet.

3. Twisted Creek – I have nothing left to give this twisted town, not a single ounce.
I’ve let them beat me down, almost break me, but it’s time I fixed my ‘Grady’ jersey, and show them I will do anything to protect what is mine.
Trying to survive Knight’s Creek without Xavier, Hunter, and Tobias is harder than I care to admit.
I have to give it my all and try again; I have to run.
I don’t know how far I’ll get, but I know I won’t give up fighting. I won’t let Ilana win. I never knew what fighting was before, but now I have something to live for. My reason for breathing.
I will be more than this town. I will be more than they’ve made me to be, and I refuse to let history repeat itself.
But when it comes down to it, will the Allstars be there when I need them the most?

Download Instructions:

3. Twisted Creek

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