Download The 2 That Remained by J Fitzpatrick Mauldin (.ePUB)(.AZW3)

The 2 That Remained by J Fitzpatrick Mauldin
Requirements: .ePUB, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 1.28 Mb
Overview: Like a worn-out watch, human existence had wound to a stop. When the end came, there were no wars, no zombies, no demons—just a former professor turned stay-at-home dad, and his little girl. Ryan Sharpe woke from forced cryogenic sleep with only his two-year-old daughter and a world- shattering mystery for company. The great city he once called home, St Louis, is a rusty wasteland, ruined by time, overflowing with wild animals, unspeakable danger, and countless questions. For a man who struggled with identity after leaving his job so his estranged wife could follow her life’s work, becoming the primary role model for their child while he floundered with life, the challenges aren’t only outside. In this alien place, ill-equipped as he is, Ryan must adapt or die for his child’s sake, but is survival enough? Ryan must return to where it all began, to his wife’s workplace at Universal Biological Laboratories. Why did everyone suddenly die? Are they the only ones left?
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy Post-Apocalyptic


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