Download Tempted by Folly by Christina Dudley (.ePUB)

Tempted by Folly by Christina Dudley (The Ellsworth Assortment #1)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 719 KB
Overview: One husband, three wives, five children…

With her much-marrying father’s example before her, Miss Florence Ellsworth, eldest of the notorious “Ellsworth Assortment,” craves nothing more than respectability. Not for her the folly of flirtation and amorous misadventure! After years of keeping house and looking after her younger siblings, Florence engages herself to a staid clergyman who is everything her father is not. But when her father wants to marry a fourth time and a handsome young attorney takes up the Ellsworth business, Florence learns there are no spectators in the game of love.
Genre: Fiction > Romance Regency


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