Download TAT by Razz Popo (.ePUB)

TAT by Razz Popo
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 460 KB
Overview: As a child, I dreamed of meeting aliens, and having superpowers. Who hasn’t?

Well, I was right there when the spaceships crashed. I saw the lasers, felt the heat of the explosions and the clumps of dirt spank my face. And I saw the aliens.

Then came the orb and the tats, and with them, the powers. For a few days afterward, I was on cloud 99. And then it all went downhill.

First, I was fighting for the lives of strangers. Then I was fighting for my own. Now, I’m fighting for all of the above, and the lives of everyone I love.

TAT is a novel for lovers of aliens, super-powers, and more action than is safe for a non-augmented human. Think you know pretty much what’s inside? You don’t. Think you can predict what’s going to happen? You can’t. Think you will be bored? You won’t.
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy, YA


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