Download Taming the Boss by Cora North (.ePUB)

Taming the Boss by Cora North (Golden Gate Billionaires Book 1)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 444 kb
Overview: A billionaire in need of an assistant. A high-stakes poker game. The prize he demands? Me.

Anthony Sorvino may be an Italian Stallion with a huge, um… bank balance but he’s also an assistant-firing, beast of a boss and control freak with a list of rules a mile long. He has me thrown into a holding cell and thrown out of a meeting within the first week. He will be this boss tamer’s greatest challenge.

Well, I love a challenge.

Kill them with kindness is my motto. You show me a dark cloud, I’ll show you its silver lining. I wear a smile and carry a fresh fruit smoothie everywhere I go. And, if I last three months as his assistant, I can cash in big and make my dream a reality. Eyes on the prize. Bring it on, bosshole.

But, between flirty bickering at the office and late-night confessions, I catch glimpses of the man with a heart of gold and more than a few scars under the grumpy exterior. His sizzling hot kisses soon have me breaking the one rule I never meant to break – never fall in love with the boss.

The stakes are high and men like him don’t play fair. Will I wind up losing it all?
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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