Download Tales of the Nine Worlds Series (2-4) by Victoria Goddard (.ePUB)

Tales of the Nine Worlds Series by Victoria Goddard (#2-4)
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Overview: Victoria Goddard is a fantasy novelist, gardener, and occasional academic. She has a PhD in Medieval Studies from the University of Toronto, walked across the length of England in 2013, and is currently a writer, cheesemonger, and gardener in the Canadian Maritimes.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy

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Book #2 – Stone Speaks to Stone
Jack Greenwing is good at scouting. He’s renowned for being able to hold on in battle long past bravery. He was once given a trophy for his courage by the hand of the Emperor himself.
At Loe, where the Stone Speakers can call down avalanches and landslides, he was sent out on a scouting mission as a siege closed in on his company. He returns to see it being lifted because of treachery, and is there to witness the five remaining members of the command staff be led off in chains into the mountains, far from the border of the Empire.
He once held a border until the rest of his army joined him: nothing will stop him from attempting a rescue, though snow is falling in the mountains and he must fight those who can walk through stone.
Stone Speaks to Stone is a standalone short story related to the Greenwing & Dart series.

Book #3 – In the Company of Gentlemen
The greatest poet of the Empire of Astandalas was widely considered the infamous outlaw Fitzroy Angursell. Almost all of his poems and songs were banned, but that had the tendency merely to encourage everyone to read them. Hilarious, pointed, and scathingly topical, one of the games of all levels of society was to guess who they were truly about.
After the Fall of the Empire, both the songs and the old stories are still sung, still illegal, and still a mixed blessing. It was not until his nephew tried to impress him that Zorey, formerly a soldier of the Emperor, finally told the story of how he got the scar on his face and earned the dubious gift of Fitzroy Angursell’s particular brand of immortality.
His nephew certainly wasn’t expecting the story. Zorey wasn’t expecting the response.

Book #4 – Petty Treasons
Artorin Damara, last Emperor of Astandalas, is in need of a new secretary.
It has been three years since he woke from a magical coma caused by the catastrophic collapse of his empire, and he can barely acknowledge his own day-to-day existence, let alone what he needs from someone else.
Enter Cliopher sayo Mdang, unassuming Fifth Degree Secretary of the Imperial Bureaucratic Service, and to everyone’s surprise the apocalypse … ends.
This novella is set on Zunidh in the universe of the Nine Worlds. It is best read after The Hands of the Emperor.

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