Download T’aafhal Legacy series by Doug L. Hoffman (.ePUB)(.MOBI)

T’aafhal Legacy series by Doug L. Hoffman (#1-#3)
Requirements: Epub reader/Mobi reader, 3.23 Mb
Overview: Doug L. Hoffman has worked professionally as a mathematician, a computer programmer, an engineer, a computer salesman, a scientist, and a college professor. Since 2000, he has been working in industry, serving as an expert architect for a major information processing company, publishing several papers on modeling the performance of large scale grid computers. With a life long passion for education, he has also continued to teach Computer Science at Hendrix College and the University of Central Arkansas.
Genre: Science Fiction


1. Ghosts of Orion
The natives of planet Earth have survived their debut as a spacefaring species, barely. Having eradicated the Dark Lords’ minions from surrounding space humanity is ready to send out its first colonists. Ahead of the colonists’ ship another starship, the Peggy Sue, owned by the Orion Arm Trading Company, arrives in the chosen system and finds something very strange about the planet selected to be humanity’s first outpost among the stars. It has a good atmosphere, clear blue oceans and not too much gravity—and absolutely no indigenous life.
The merchants on board the Peggy Sue are led by former Navy officers: Captain Billy Ray Vincent, First Officer Beth Melaku, Sailing Master Bobby Danner and Science Officer Mizuki Ogawa. Their experience on previous voyages and fighting aliens has made them wary of inexplicable things, but the colonists soon arrive and start building their settlements on the planet they name Paradise. Not quite trusting the colonists on their own, Captain Vincent takes the Peggy Sue to survey the outer reaches of the system. There they find even more strange things, while back on Paradise the colonists’ presence awakens something long dead.
Set in the same Universe as the popular T’aafhal Inheritance trilogy, join the crew of the starship Peggy Sue as they travel to the stars on new adventures. Familiar characters are joined by new as the crew seeks their fortunes among the stars of the Orion Arm. Awaiting the intrepid crew are strange alien races to discovery, new mysteries to solve, and new dangers to over come. Join them in the Ghosts or Orion, first book in the T’aafhal Legacy series.

2. The Queen’s Daemon
The Peggy Sue has gone farther away from Earth than any human built ship, “almost one hundred light-years as the crow flies,” as Captain Billy Ray Vincent observed. After stopping to fill up on deuterium at an icy moon circling an unnamed planet of an insignificant remnant of a dead star, the Captain decides to head back to Earth and home. On they way the pass through Alpha Phoenicis, a binary star system in the constellation of the phoenix. There the receive a signal that could only have come from an artifact of the T’aafhal, the mysterious vanished alien race whose actions thrust humanity onto the galactic stage. They immediately change course for the signal’s point of origin—a small planet orbiting a red dwarf that is the companion star to the system’s main orange giant. What they don’t know is that they are about to find themselves in the midst of an interplanetary invasion, and an ambush by an undetectable Dark Lord ship that strands Mizuki on the planet’s surface. A raging battle for succession among the natives is complicated by meddling “daemons” from another planet in the system. Can the Captain and crew repair the Peggy Sue, overcome the treacherous Dark Lords and rescue Mizuki? Will the princess that befriends Mizuki survive to become queen? Will Mizuki live to become The Queen’s Daemon?

3. Starflake
Capt. Billy Ray Vincent and the crew of the Peggy Sue are off to the Pleiades in search of the ancient and mysterious T’aafhal. Along the way, they discover something unexpected, a million-year-old space station in an empty star system—the Starflake. The station gives up its secrets grudgingly and soon the explorers are in a fight for their lives.

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