Download Summons by Lisa Oliver (.ePUB)

Summons by Lisa Oliver (Quirk of Fate Book 1)
Requirements: .ePUb Reader, 256kb
Overview: The first in a new series of standalone stories where our lovely men find their mates in the strangest of circumstances. It has to be Fate, right?

Edward Rosen, level ten mage, hadn’t reached the end of his tether – he was hanging from it. After a hundred and twenty-four years of living under his parents’ rules, Edward decided the only way things could change, was if he got married. The only problem was that the wedding was meant to take place in a matter of hours and Edward hadn’t met his groom yet.

Mammon, Prince of Hell, was doing what most demons did when they were bored – he was playing poker. When an unbeatable hand is foiled by a summons, he’s not impressed. But rules are rules and Mammon followed the summons, determined to get back to his game as quickly as possible.

Marrying was just the first hurdle. Coping with the demands of Edward’s family, a curse, a prophecy, and four hellhounds took a lot of work. Clara’s having a ball, but what’s with all the toothpicks and where did the dragon come from?

Summons is a 50,000 word story that’s a classic example of what happens when the author’s muse runs amuck. But like all of Lisa’s stories, it contains fated mates, a spot of humor, and intimate situations between two men that are only suitable for readers eighteen years and older. HEA is guaranteed
Genre: MM Romance


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