Download Studs Lonigan (Trilogy) by James T. Farrell (.ePUB)(.MOBI)

Studs Lonigan (Trilogy #1-#3) by James T. Farrell
Requirements: ePUB / MOBI Reader, 2.04 MB
Overview: Collected here in one volume is James T. Farrell’s renowned trilogy of the youth, early manhood, and death of Studs Lonigan: Young Lonigan, The Young Manhood of Studs Lonigan, and Judgment Day.

In this relentlessly naturalistic portrait, Studs starts out his life full of vigor and ambition, qualities that are crushed by the Chicago youth’s limited social and economic environment. Studs’s swaggering and vicious comrades, his narrow family, and his educational and religious background lead him to a life of futile dissipation.

Ann Douglas provides an illuminating introductory essay to Farrell’s masterpiece, one of the greatest novels of American literature.
Genre: Fiction / Gangsters / Realistic


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