Download Stories for Boys (Adult) by Ryal Woods (.ePUB)

Stories for Boys by Ryal Woods (This is NOT a Children’s Book)
Requirements: ePUB reader 128 kb
Overview: I write literary and erotic fiction featuring gay male characters, and enjoy experimenting with writing styles and genres—stream of consciousness, poetic prose, classic romance codpiece busters and mythologies. I write everything from short one offs to novels. I’m interested in literature about people, not bodies: men who are expressive and intellectual as well as sexual. My goal is to create stories that invite readers to extend their own thoughts about the characters and their lives beyond what’s written on the page.
Genre: Anthology MM


Jude the Unsure
A nod to Thomas Hardy’s Jude the Obscure, with step-brothers grappling the complexities and consequences of an illicit relationship. Jude suffers much the same affliction as Thomas Hardy’s character – erotolepsy brought on by an obsession for his younger stepbrother. Lexi’s love sustains Jude, even as he risks compromising his own wellbeing.

Vienna to Prague, 1926
In 1926, men’s desires aren’t often openly shared, but Roland has an advantage over Henry Robert Jenkins, and he uses it to entertain himself on the long journey. It’s a deliberate misunderstanding between the classes as Roland finds amusement in sending Henry into a tailspin. Perhaps it’s contempt for Henry’s lifestyle that leaves him cold; a reminder that, despite his privilege, he too occupies a hidden world.

Twist It
One young man’s obsession over what he cannot have is intertwined with another young man’s obsessive efforts to keep what he possesses. Derik recalls a night of passion spent with the object of his desire, even as he struggles to find his way out of the wish to twist fate in his own favor.

Redemption for Sale Part I
Kurt is captivated with a rent boy, but he can’t admit it. James is just doing his job, but Kurt, who is used to having his way with his sex partners, doesn’t want to be just another trick. When he finds he can’t break through James’s carefully structured façade, he decides to break in, determined to leave his mark.

Redemption for Sale Part II
It is James who has left a mark on Kurt. After several weeks of denial, Kurt seeks James again to attempt another breakdown of the boy’s barriers. But when he realizes he truly has broken through to James enough to reveal his vulnerabilities, he changes his motivations and works to tear down his own façade.

A quickie all about sensation in the dark.

A young man works to preserve his undead boyfriend. The macabre task is breaking down his sanity; the lines are blurred between what is real, what is right, and what has come undone. But he refuses to let go.

Stolen Life
A little work of poetic prose full of Easter eggs. Hidden inside is the story of poet Paul Verlain’s love for Arthur Rimbaud. It takes the reader through their tumultuous relationship via Rimbaud’s poem, "Vowels."

About Last Night…
The musings of a young man who wakes beside his sleeping friend after they’ve shared a sexual encounter the night before. As Robert relives the evening in his mind, he worries about Hamil’s reaction upon waking. Can they both face the truth?

Revolving Door
The story of a man still attached to his former lover through a bond of secrecy, addiction and trust. They’re addicted to one another; Matt wants to break the bonds, Leo works to keep him entrapped. This is Matt’s first person account of his latest encounter with Leo: his longing for the strength to resist him, his giving over, and the battle within as they play this longstanding game of wills.

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