Download Stolen from the Harem by Jade Astor (.ePUB)

Stolen from the Harem by Jade Astor (Tales of the Thasali Harem #2)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 196 kB
Overview: Joining the Thasali harem was the happiest moment of Charis’ life, but he is even more excited and honored when the young and handsome Prince Vidnar chooses him as his favorite concubine. Though Charis has been warned about the fickleness of the royal family, Vidnar’s declarations of love seem genuine and even seem to enrage the other royals. Then, just as their relationship seems poised to turn into something deeper and more permanent, Charis is kidnapped from the harem and sold to a traveling cloth merchant. Though he is bewildered and frightened, Charis is determined to find his way back to the prince and discover who arranged his abduction, even if he has to risk his life in the process.
Genre: Erotic MM


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