Download Space Punks 2: Nightingale’s Song by Anna Mocikat (.ePUB)

Space Punks 2: Nightingale’s Song by Anna Mocikat
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 775 KB
Overview: No one in their right mind would ever challenge the Legion.
No one but the Space Punks.
Nightingale is dying. The only way to save him is by replacing a highly complex piece of his cybernetic body. And the only ones who have this part is the Legion, famous for its secrecy. The elite cyborg organization would never hand out classified technology.

But Hel doesn’t accept no for an answer. The Space Punks set course to Mars, which is not only Legion headquarters but also the center of power for the entire Pentad.

Meanwhile, David struggles with his new-found memories and the mission he’s on.

Would he be able to kill the other crew members, his found family, to achieve his goal?

Soon, he feels torn between his duty and his feelings.

The enemy in their midst isn’t the only problem Hel and her crew have to face.

Lucien doesn’t take his defeat on Venus lightly and is out for revenge. He will stop at nothing to destroy the Space Punks.

A race against the clock begins. Nightingale has only a few days left.

If the Legion doesn’t give Hel what she wants, she will take it by force…
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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