Download Small Space Garden by The Editors of Southern Living (.ePUB)

Southern Living Small Space Garden (Southern Living) by The Editors of Southern Living
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 52 MB
Overview: How do you define Southern decorating and design? Is it the bold and confident color scheme, the mix of patterns that seem unexpected yet are made for each other, the textiles and fabrics that feel both old and new, or the graceful combination of it all? Contemporary Southern design has transformed in so many ways in recent decades; we’ve embraced the simplicities of modern design while holding steadfast to the hallmarks of our region’s charm. This contrast is the heart of Southern style.

Southern Living’s Style Guide offers decorating tips and tricks from the South’s most beautiful homes. With 223 ideas for every space and budget, you’re sure to find a way to design, decorate, or spruce up your very own Southern home. We’ll teach you about the basics and flourishes of home design, from monograms to slipcovers. We’ll also take you through designing each and every room in your home: entryways, living rooms, kitchens, dining rooms, bedrooms, and bathrooms. Finally, learn the rules for designing and building Southern homes that have the perfect new-old spirit in with our “10 Commandments of Southern Style.”

Please note that this product is an authorized edition published by Time Inc. and sold by Amazon. This edition is printed using a high quality matte interior paper and printed on demand for immediate fulfillment.
Genre: Non-Fiction > General


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