Download Sinful Mate by Trish Heinrich (.ePUB)

Sinful Mate by Trish Heinrich (Infinite Unions: Intrepid Alien Mates Book 1)
Requirements: epub reader, 442 kb
Overview: “I wanted more. More of her blood. More of her thoughts. More of her touches that set me aflame.”


I have never touched someone with desire, nor given in to the pleasures of the flesh. I am Atavarian, after all, and we cage such primal urges with logic, discipline. And with one innocent brush of skin I am overcome by a deadly rutting fever, and only Chloe can sate this burning hunger and save my life.

But when the fever passes I am not free. Instead, I am left with an insatiable craving for this fragile human and a telepathic bond that I am loathe to give up.

When a mission requires us to remain linked and pretend to be mates, our ever growing passion tempts me with something I never thought I would have: Love.
Genre: Romance


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