Download Sin Carefully: Assume the Postion by Ashlynne (.ePUB)

Sin Carefully: Assume the Postion by Ashlynne
Requirements: ePUB reader, 244kb
Overview: “Tasha and Keyshawn, Harmony and Rawland, Daryn and Jane, Damon and Shaya remember that order” was what formed the Fidelity cartel. With the whole crew in Jail Brendon must pull off a prison break. As powerful as his cartel became he needed his old crew back to go on a diamond heist bound to leave them rich and ready to retire from the game.
Ramonni’s daughter Dawn is lost in this world mainly because she is suffering from memory lost. She feels like she finally found her place once Brendon elected her into the cartel. She agreed to pull off a jail break for one reason and that was to get answers about her mom. If there was a chance she could still be alive she wanted to know and she was ready to do anything, even pull a trigger to get her back.
C&P cartel was formed once Fidelity became such a threat. This cartel comprised Cashmere and Platinum, the killers of the parents. They made a vowel to kill everyone on their list and they are not stopping until all eight people are dead. With five down and three to go their hit list would be complete in no time.
Genre: Thriller, Romance


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