Download Simon Barlow Alternative History Series by Micheal Maxwell (.ePUB)

Simon Barlow Alternative History Series by Micheal Maxwell (1-2)
Requirements: epub/azw3/mobi reader, 559 KB
Overview: Micheal Maxwell along with his lovely wife and travel partner, Janet, divide their time between a home Sierra Nevada Mountains of California, and their lake house in Washington State.
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy


1. Gauges in Time – Lincoln has been hanged, The South has won the Civil War, Slavery is flourishing, and Evangeline Latimer wants things to change!
But, when the daughter of the Governor of the new Province of Oklahoma meets the handsome agent from the North, Simon Barlow, the seeds of revolution are born.
In a time of ever-growing technology, automatons, and new forms of transportation, a young woman finds her natural talent for building machines large and small. From automated arachnids to ape-like guardians, Evangeline has a mind for all things mechanical
Simon brings his commitment to overturning Latimer’s dark regime, warrior’s heart, and network of allies ready, willing, and able to overturn the results of the not-so civil war.
Freeing the slaves and making right the wrong of Governor Latimer and his henchmen’s evils will require brains, bravery, and an unyielding commitment to the rights of all people.

2. Gauges of Freedom – Simon and Eel have all but mounted an open rebellion against Governor Latimer’s iron fist rule. They have established a safe haven for runaway slaves. How long before Latimer’s wrath comes crashing down on them?
The search for Anabelle continues. Will Eel ever see her half-sister again?
When the rumor of another safe house filters in, Eel sets out to locate its mysterious leader in the hopes of forming an alliance. Will she triumph in the face of malice?
Can Simon and Eel thwart Governor Latimer’s vengeful mission to crush them at all cost?

Download Instructions:
1. Gauges in Time

2. Gauges of Freedom

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