Download Sightings: Extraordinary Encounters by Sam Keen (.ePUB)+

Sightings: Extraordinary Encounters with Ordinary Birds by Sam Keen
Requirements: ePUB or MOBI Reader, 5.06MB
Overview: Sam Keen, the New York Times best-selling author of Fire in the Belly, has spent a lifetime reflecting on nature. In Sightings, a collection of essays, bird watching forms the basis for observations spiritual and soulful, witty and wise. He describes his childhood ramblings in the silence of the Tennessee wilderness as feeling distinctly more spiritualthan the hard pews of his grandmother’s church. Later in life, the presumed extinction and subsequent rediscovery of the Ivory-billed Woodpecker prompts a meditation on the nature of the sacred. Blessed with moments of beauty and the insight to recognize them as such, Keen translates the marvels of nature into the language of heart and soul.
Genre: Non-Fiction, Memoir, Nature, Birds


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