Download Shooting Star by David Brierley (.ePUB)

Shooting Star by David Brierley
Requirements: ePUB | Retail, 317 KB
Overview: On a London stage a Hungarian theatre group portray the People’s Struggle against Oppression.

In the audience a world-famous war photographer recognises the leading actress.

It’s the girl he loved in the heat of the battle for Budapest twenty-five years before.

He has come to the West to build himself a new life.

She has remained in Hungary to help build a new nation over the scars of a burnt out revolution.

Twenty-five years later, they’re together again.

The war photographer and the actress, living now in different worlds, relive the distant days of hope and despair.

They look back on their struggles as the Russian Soviet tanks invade Hungary and war ensues.

They were there for the massacre of Kossuth Square, the lynchings and the long fight with the Red Army and are haunted by memories and emotions.

But their struggle wasn’t simple and with it came many losses of friends and those closest to them…

Together they remember their few brief days of passion and the days of the shooting star..
Genre: Historical Fiction


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