Download She Heralds the End by Morgan Stang (.ePUB)+

She Heralds the End (Bartram’s Maw Book 3) by Morgan Stang
Requirements: .ePUB, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 969KB
Overview: The city of Craelle is besieged.

Hired swords Samantha Redwyne and Victoria Belltower have their hands full. They and their mercenary outfit Bartram’s Maw must contend with a mad king’s thirst for revenge as he throws everything he has at the doomed city. A menagerie of twisted sellswords, vicious creatures out of folktales, and killers with vendettas flood the streets of Craelle. And most dangerous of all is the dreaded Misfit of Kantor—a giant ghoul of a mercenary as deadly as a small army. She’s enigmatic and disarming, yet her eyes betray her greatest desire: a duel to the death with Samantha.

But for Baroness Blixen Valentine, the stakes are higher than the fate of a single kingdom. Trapped within her city walls, she searches for secrets of the ancient past in a race against time. The Old World—the technologically advanced civilization that existed thousands of years ago and mysteriously died off during the Cataclysm—has reared its head in the form of a foreboding message heralding a second Cataclysm. While soldiers clash and blood is spilled, Blixen scrambles for a way to make contact with whoever sent the mysterious warning and find answers to the forgotten past so many have sought.

And through it all, a single man with the unnatural power of his dark goddess wanders the world, putting together pieces of an insidious plan that threatens to not only corrupt the pure heart of a young girl, but may very well destroy all known life itself.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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