Download Shattered Echoes by Stella Mace (.ePUB)

Shattered Echoes by Stella Mace
Requirements: ePUB reader, 219 kb
Overview: Secrets lay hidden in the quiet town of Cedarwood. FBI hacker Mia Conrad is thrust back into her past when a cryptic message arrives. What she uncovers details the unsolved murder of her estranged sister, Lily.
Determined to uncover the truth, Mia returns to Cedarwood. Teaming up with local Detective Ethan Hayes, who has personal ties to Lily’s murder. They navigate the shadows of Cedarwood, where lines between good and evil blur.
As Mia delves into Lily’s murder, the secrets of the town threaten the fragile trust they built. The investigation takes a sinister turn. Mia discovers a connection between Lily’s murder and the unrelated deaths of locals. Exposing a hidden darkness within Cedarwood.
In a heart-stopping climax, with the help of a figure from Mia’s past holding the key to Lily’s murder, they confront the true villain.
The shocking reveal intertwines Mia’s journey of self-discovery with the unraveling of secrets. "Shattered Echoes" is not only a tale of murder but also resilience, redemption, and the unexpected.
Genre: Fiction > Mystery/Thriller > Police Procedurals


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