Download Shadow’s Hand by Noelle Nichols (.ePUB)

Shadow’s Hand by Noelle Nichols (The Shadow’s Creed Saga Book 1)
Requirements: epub, mobi, azw3 reader, 1.5 mb
Overview: A Shadow protects the innocent, but are all men worth protecting?
When an unwarranted attack razes his village, Kilo is forced to face the harsh realities of becoming a just leader, following a trail of blood and cloaked raiders in a quest for justice. With Kilo occupied and their homeland vulnerable, Shenrae swallows her self-doubt to pursue her training in earnest. But when both find out these mysterious enemies wield a powerful and ancient magic, they’re not sure if any truly safe from harm. Can Kilo and Shenrae hold fast to their code of honor and become the heroes they’re meant to be or will these enemies and their ways forever taint the land they cherish in war and unimaginable darkness?
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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