Download Serenity of the Autumn Dragon by KC Kingmaker (.ePUB)

Serenity of the Autumn Dragon by KC Kingmaker (Dragon Shifter Dominion 2)
Requirements: epub/azw3/mobi reader, 339 KB
Overview: They say I’m a dragon princess. I’m not buying it.
If I’m a dragon princess, why can’t I turn into a freaking dragon?! That seems like a pretty simple requirement. And what on Merlog’s great green ass is the wicked Empress Orphea I’ve been hearing so much about? Coalt says she’s a usurper.
I’m hoping this new dragon, the oak-tree-sized shifter named Rook, will simplify things for me. He does seem like a simple man, but in the best way possible. He’s huge, calm, and protective as all get-out. He’s such a contrast to my passionate, aggressive mate Coalt.
Rook wants to take me to this ominous place called the Resistance. The Dragon Dominion is opening up and I’m starting to understand things.
But I know it’s only a matter of time until the rug is pulled out from under me . . .
Genre: Romance


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