Download Sequents and Trees by Andrzej Indrzejczak (.PDF)

Sequents and Trees: An Introduction to the Theory and Applications of Propositional Sequent Calculi by Andrzej Indrzejczak
Requirements: .PDF reader, 5 MB
Overview: This textbook offers a detailed introduction to the methodology and applications of sequent calculus in propositional logic. Unlike other texts concerned with proof theory, emphasis is placed on illustrating how to use sequent calculus to prove a wide range of metatheoretical results. The presentation is elementary and self-contained, with all technical details both formally stated and also informally explained.

Numerous proofs are worked through to demonstrate methods of proving important results, such as the cut-elimination theorem, completeness, decidability, and interpolation. Other proofs are presented with portions left as exercises for readers, allowing them to practice techniques of sequent calculus.

After a brief introduction to classical propositional logic, the text explores three variants of sequent calculus and their features and applications. The remaining chapters then show how sequent calculi can be extended, modified, and applied to non-classical logics, including modal, intuitionistic, subcultural, and many-valued logics.

Genre: Non-Fiction > Educational


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