Download Seirei Gensouki: Spirit Chronicles by Yuri Kitayama (.ePUB)

Seirei Gensouki: Spirit Chronicles by Yuri Kitayama (#1,2)
Requirements: EPUB/MOBI Reader, 35 MB
Overview: Meet Rio: a callous orphaned boy living in the slums. At only 7-years-old, he realizes he’s actually the reincarnation of Haruto Amakawa, a Japanese university student with a tragic past. While still reeling from this shocking epiphany, Rio also comes to learn that he possesses extremely potent magical abilities and uses his new powers to solve the kidnapping case of a little girl. His good deed is acknowledged, and he’s rewarded by being enrolled into… a prestigious academy for noble children…?
Genre: Fantasy Light Novel


Act 1. Kingdom of Lies: Meet Rio: a callous orphaned boy living in the slums. At only 7-years-old, he realizes he’s actually the reincarnation of Haruto Amakawa, a Japanese university student with a tragic past. While still reeling from this shocking epiphany, Rio also comes to learn that he possesses extremely potent magical abilities and uses his new powers to solve the kidnapping case of a little girl. His good deed is acknowledged, and he’s rewarded by being enrolled into… a prestigious academy for noble children…?

Act 2. Blessing of the Spirits: A heartwarming journey… with a werefox girl?!
After running away from the Kingdom of Beltrum, Rio begins a journey toward his ancestral lands in the east. On his way there, he meets Latifa — a werefox girl enslaved by nobles and trained to become an assassin… and Rio is her target! Rio manages to defeat her in combat, and releases the enchanted collar binding her to her owners. But Latifa, unsure of what to do with her newfound freedom, demands to accompany Rio on his travels. The two meet new friends and foes along the way, with an old foe returning as well…

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