Download Seductive Bossby Rebecca Davies (.ePUB)

Seductive Bossby Rebecca Davies (A Lesbian Romance Series Book 1)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 109 KB
Overview: Sabrina is the head of her own fashion company and recently broke up with her girlfriend who also happens to be one of her top designers. She walks into work the day after the break up and finds out that Jenny her girlfriend has taken her designs to the competitor French Boutique and now Sabrina does not have anything to present at fashion week.

Isobel recently graduated design school and has landed a job at the exclusive fashion house Bella Flores. It is not a designer job but an assistant to the CEO. It is a foot in the door and one that Isobel is glad to have.

Her first day is a disaster but she runs into one of the designers who compliments the dress she is wearing. She tells him she designed it he asks to see her portfolio.

Sabrina is frantic to find a designer and feels bad about the way that she treated her new assistant. She is attracted to Isobel but knows she shouldn’t be dating any more staff after what happened with Jenny.
Genre: Fiction > Erotic


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