Download Schooled in Magic by Gorg Huff, Paula Goodlett (.ePUB)

Schooled in Magic (Cordelia Cooper #2) by Gorg Huff, Paula Goodlett
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 400 KB
Overview: With two years left to go at the College of Wizardry in the University of Kronisburg, Cordelia Cooper is called back to Pango Island. The people she left in charge of her case have proved less than trustworthy and the sea elves and the lizardmen were not being treated fairly.

Interrupting her studies to go around the world to get back to Pango Island wasn’t something she wanted to do but she didn’t have a lot of choice. She had an obligation to the sea elves and the lizardmen. To make things worse, the arrogant and self-righteous Intercessor of Noron, Miguel Cordoba, has decided that it’s his duty to accompany her on her “noble quest.”

From Kronisburg to the Kingdom Isles, from the Kingdom Isles to adventures in Amonrai—and all that’s before they even get to Pango Island and find out what’s happened to the sea elves. What’s happened isn’t good and Cordelia and Miguel are honor bound to do something about it.

The Governor of Pango Island is about to be Schooled in Magic.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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