Download Saffron Diffley series by Nic Saint (.ePUB)

Saffron Diffley series by Nic Saint (#1-2)
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Overview: Nic Saint is the pen name for writing couple Nick and Nicole Saint. They’ve penned 60+ novels in the cozy mystery, cat sleuth, middle grade, suspense, comedy and romance genres. Nicole has a background in accounting and Nick in political science and before being struck by the writing bug the Saints worked odd jobs around the world (including massage therapist in Mexico, gardener in Italy, restaurant manager in India, and Berlitz teacher in Belgium).
Genre: Fiction > Mystery/Thriller

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1. Crime and Retribution
It’s an important day for Saffron Diffley. First day at the office. First day collaborating with her brothers in the family firm of Diffley Insurance. And first day as an agent for Karma Corps, the mysterious agency tasked with balancing crime and punishment in our world. A transgender woman has been murdered in Happy Bays, and it’s up to Saffron and her brothers to find out who’s behind the murder, and serve the culprit the proper retribution.

Unfortunately, new cop in town Logan Munroe is also adamant to apprehend the killer, and doesn’t like a young and inexperienced insurance claims adjuster inserting herself into his investigation. Soon he’s not just arresting criminals, but looking to place the handcuffs on Saffron’s slender wrists as well—at least when they’re not verbally sparring while out collecting clues and interviewing a colorful cast of suspects.

And then there’s Saffron’s little brother Rodrick trying to prove their neighbor is a witch, Dalton throwing his weight around, Calvin being his usual obnoxious self, Lucien wanting to become a woman, Brice dreaming of becoming a Hollywood star, and Jerome, the family’s aged French Mastiff, spreading a particularly noxious odor wherever he goes. In other words, chaos as usual at Diffley Manor, with Grandma trying to stay on top of things.

Will Saffron serve justice in spite of Detective Logan Munroe’s objections? Will Logan survive the scrutiny of the Diffley brood? And will Saffron be able to resist a sudden and powerful attraction to the burly cop?

2. Vice and Verdict
When popular vlogger and geocacher Kandace Slaker is found dead, Saffron and Lucien Diffley, local karma agents, are on the case. Kandace turns out to have made quite a few enemies in Happy Bays, and the investigation soon gets bogged down by a lack of evidence and an abundance of alibis. Add to that the fact that Logan Munroe, detective in charge of the case, has decided to ban the Diffleys from the investigation, and Saffron has her work cut out for her.

Meanwhile, Rodrick Diffley is on a good deed quest—though unfortunately the people on the receiving end of the little rascal’s streak are less than thrilled with his enthusiasm. Even worse, Diffley Manor is falling apart and Saffron’s brothers, not blessed with the handyman gene, quickly cause more harm than good. And then there’s Lucien, who’s developed a crush on Detective Munroe, which only serves to make matters more complicated than they already are.

Will Saffron be able to restore the balance of karma in her small town? Will Rodrick’s relentless string of good deeds antagonize the entire community against the Diffleys? And will the romance between Saffron and Logan finally be rekindled?

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