Download Russian Grammar and Vocabulary Workbook by Lingo Mastery (.PDF)+

Russian Grammar and Vocabulary Workbook: Conjunctions and Connective Words in Context to Make Your Russian More Fluent (Review and Practice) by Lingo Mastery
Requirements: .ePUB, .PDF, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 1.6 MB
Overview: Have you ever had the feeling that Russian grammar rules are keeping you from properly learning the language?

Are you stumbling when trying to learn its conjunctions and grammatical tools?

To be honest, most foreign language learners who attempt to grasp the rules of the Russian language end up having trouble navigating their way around all the complicated parts of the tongue. This is unfortunate, because it keeps people from enjoying the beauty and usefulness of the Russian tongue, a language spoken by over 160 million people worldwide.

Russian Grammar and Vocabulary Workbook is a grammar book with exercises that give you an entirely fresh, fun approach to the learning of Russian, and while it covers a grammar-related topic, it’s not what you would call a conventional grammar book. All the basic information you need to know about Russian conjunctions is presented in an easy-to-understand manner and accompanied with lots of practice-oriented material.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Educational


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