Download Ruby McCracken Tragic Without Magic by Elizabeth Ezra (.ePUB)

Ruby McCracken Tragic Without Magic by Elizabeth Ezra
Requirements: epub reader, 926kb
Overview: Ruby McCracken’s life is OVER. Her parents have lost their jobs, they’ve forced her to move to the Ordinary World and worst of all, she’s lost her magic.

A witch without magic? That’s LITERALLY tragic.

She won’t be able to chat to her friends about the Hex Factor any more. And she’s absolutely STARVING because her snack spell won’t work. Also how can she get revenge on the mean girls at her boring new school without a good curse?

Ruby is desperate to get her magic back and find a way home. Then one day she receives a mysterious hext that seems to offer an answer, but can she solve the riddle? More importantly, who would be sending a magical hext in this dreary ordinary world?
Genre: Fiction > YA


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