Download Royally Screwed series by Madison Faye (.ePUB)+

Royally Screwed series by Madison Faye (#1-6)
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Overview: #1 bestselling contemporary romance author Madison Faye is the dirty alter ego of the very wholesome, very normal suburban housewife behind the stories. While she might be a wife, mom, and PTA organizer on the outside, there’s nothing but hot, steamy, and raunchy fantasies brewing right beneath the surface!
Genre: Romance

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King Sized (#1): You might say it’s poor form to throw the bride over your shoulder caveman-style and run off with her, especially if it’s not your wedding. Whoops. It’s her wedding day. I’m not the groom. Oh, but I’m going to be… The world may call me a King and a gentleman, but there’s nothing gentle about me. I’ve fought like hell to get to where I am, and these rough hands want one thing and one thing only – to hold her and never let her go.

She’s my obsession – my addiction. Blonde, blue-eyed, innocent and tempting, with lips that beg to be tasted and curves that were made to press against me. But a rival king – a cruel, evil piece of garbage – has stepped in to buy her hand and her innocence with the promise of paying off her parents’ debts. He thinks that makes her his, but he’s about to learn how wrong he is.

You see, the rumors about my royal staff and crown jewels aren’t tall tales. She deserves a real man. A better man. King Milton just isn’t the right fit for her.…Oh, but I am. And I’m going to “fit” with her so well that she’ll be moaning for more. I’m a king, after all. And kings take what they want. And tonight? I’m taking her. I’ll do anything to make her my queen.…Even if I have to steal her.

Royal Brat (#2): She’s looking for trouble. Well, here I am.
Royal brat, meet royal hand of discipline.
And I’m going to teach that royal heiny a lesson she’ll never forget…

It takes a strong hand to be King. It takes discipline, and control. I may be rough around the edges, but as King, my rules will be followed, not challenged.…That all goes to hell when she barges into my world. Duchess Riley Noles – blonde, blued-eye, and five-foot-four of pure f**king trouble.

She’s wild, out of control and all sorts of challenging – a pretty little hurricane crashing right into me. And when I catch her red-handed screwing with my car, oh, there’s going to be hell to pay. But then, this tempting little firecracker may have just found exactly the trouble she’s been looking for. And when her soft moans tease through my ears, and her sweet curves press against my hard body, the last of my meticulous control might just be broken.

She’s all sass and vinegar, but as King, I always get what I want. And with her, I’ll have it all – her body, her heart, and her sweet submission, over my knee and saying “yes please”.
You know what they say about pretty little rich girls who look for trouble: they always find it.
And Duchess Riley is about to find it with me.
…every inch of it.

Daddy Duke (#3): She’s off-limits. Inappropriate. A tease, a brat, a scandal waiting to happen, and a royal pain in my @ss.
Oh, and she’s one more thing too: all mine.
…She just doesn’t know it yet.

I have a problem. A five-foot-five, brown-haired, green-eyed little tease of a problem. A problem that’s lived under my roof ever since I took her in as if she were my own years ago. Lola. Princess Lola, that is. Lola with the fiery sass, the softest lips, the sweetest skin, and the most temping curves these rough hands have ever wanted to grab ahold of. I’m her guardian – the man who took care of her and raised her up. But my eyes have started lingering longer than they should. My thoughts have turned darker, and there’s no turning back. See, I want the little Princess to be my little Princess. I want her laid out dressed in nothing but jewels and a smile – a present waiting for me to unwrap and claim.

The world will say this is so f**king wrong. They’ll say I’m more than twice her age. They’ll say a rough, hardened, ex-soldier like myself has no business being with her. They’ll say a lot to try and keep us apart.
They can all go to h*ll.
Because whatever my Lola wants, she’ll get. And she’s about to get every inch of what she wants.
…But only if she says please.

Pr*ck Charming (#4): He’s the most notorious bad boy in royalty.
The kind of man your mother warns you about.
He’s not the man you get drunk with, or get tattoos with.
He’s not the man you wake up naked in a hotel bed next to.
Oh, and he’s definitely not the one you accidentally marry.

Rough, wild, uncivilized and filthy. The tabloids like to write all sorts of sh*t about me, but some of it’s pretty spot on. Like the tattoo I’ve got you-know-where? Yeah, that one’s true. I wasn’t looking for trouble that night, but I sure found it in her – Princess Faith LaFleur. If I’m the notorious bad boy, she’s just as infamous for being good, sweet, innocent, and untouched. I saved her from a tight spot, but it all gets fuzzy from there. Fuzzy, close, kissing, tattooed, a couple of “I-do’s”, and a whole bunch of naked from there. And the next thing I know, I’m waking up next to the last girl on earth I should have anything to do with. Because that sweetness comes with a whole big helping of sass, and there’s more fire in her than I ever saw coming. Oh, and throw in the fact that her father’s behind a plot to take my crown and steal my kingdom, and we’ve got ourselves what you might call a situation.

The world will tell me that this is wrong, and that I should walk away.
…Not a chance. First, I made her my wife. But now, I’m going to make her mine.

Filthy Ever After (#5): Forget the glass slipper. Ditch the fairy godmother. Fuck being charming.
They’ll say this is filthy.
They’ll say this is wrong.
I say she’s *mine*, and nothing’s going to stop me from claiming my Queen.

It’s hard being King. And being a king without a Queen has made me very hard indeed. A royal ball to find my bride is the last thing I want – that is, until I lay eyes on her. One look into those deep green eyes, and I know I’m lost. Addicted. Obsessed. One taste of those sweet lips, and one touch of my rough hands on her tempting curves, and I know I’ll tear my whole kingdom down to make her mine.

The world will try and stop this, and say this is wrong. They’ll say she’s no princess, but then, I’m no f*cking gentleman.
Her wicked stepmother wants to tear us apart, but she and the rest of the world are about to find out how foolish it is to get between me and what’s mine.

This is no fairytale, but the lady Emilia is about to find a very happy ending. And I’ll be giving her every inch of my crown jewels.
She’ll be my all. My everything. My Queen.
And I’ve got a big, thick, throbbing throne for her to sit on…

Once Upon A Scandal (#6): Once upon a time, a nobody met a prince.
Then she met his best friend, a second prince.
Then she learned they like to share, and that’s when things got interesting.
That’s when things got downright scandalous.

My life has never been a fairytale. Absent parents, a grandmother gone too soon, and a job working the kitchens for the most heinous bitch in the Kingdom of Bandiff. But that’s before I sneak into the hottest royal ball on the planet. That’s before I waltz right into them. The McDermott Princes. Princes, plural. There’s two of them – both gorgeous beyond belief, alpha as hell, and more tempting than sin. Both with their eyes on me and both with that look that says that I’m theirs.

Two princes, one baker. This might sound like too many cooks in the kitchen, but they say they like to share. They say they’ll tear their whole kingdom down to make me theirs. They say they want to make me their Queen. Pretty soon, breaking into a royal ball is the least of my problems. This is a disaster waiting to happen. It’s filthy, and oh-so-wrong. It’s a royal scandal of epic proportions, and I’m right in the middle of it. …I’m right in the middle of them. Maybe this is a fairytale after all. Ever heard of the cook who found a crown? How about two crowns? Two big, dominant, mouthwatering, pulse-quickening crowns. I’ve never found a happy ever after. Now, I think I’m about to find two of them.

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