Download Roxie’s Midlife Adventures series by Leigh Raventhorne (.ePUB)

Roxie’s Midlife Adventures series by Leigh Raventhorne (#2,5)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 614 KB
Overview: Leigh Raventhorne lives in southeastern Michigan, United States. She’s a country girl who loves animals, and loves to read and write. Currently, she’s into writing snarky, humorous, PWF novels (Paranormal Women’s Fiction) starring midlife female characters. She likes including her beloved animals in her stories.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy

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2. Seeing Witchy Things
Over 40, divorce final, and seeing dead things—sounds like a blast, right? Well, life was beginning to get better . . . if you overlooked the accidents I kept having with the Jenkins family’s Items of Power entrusted to my care. After one teeny, tiny mistake (that may or may not have involved excessive amounts of wine) which resulted in me calling back a whole roomful of dead people from the Light, Grandmam Jenkins demanded that I go to NOLA to find my last living relative, to see if she could shed any light on my problems. There’s nothing better than a 1,200 mile road trip with a ghost, a ghost dog, and a living German Shepherd Dog all crammed into a Jeep Wrangler, right? What could go wrong? Well, you probably wouldn’t believe me if I told you! You’ll just have to join me in New Orleans for a bit, where you’ll be seeing some witchy things.

5. Making Magickal Alliances
Just when it looks like things are settling down for more than a minute, three fae children go missing and it’s up to Roxie and her friends to find them. To complicate matters, now that Rand is back—and somehow alive again—she’s afraid to touch him for fear that the strange magick in her bracelet—which may just be a coveted fae Object—could hurt him worse.

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