Download Rooms of their Own by Nino Strachey (.ePUB)

Rooms of their Own: Eddy Sackville-West, Virginia Woolf, Vita Sackville-West by Nino Strachey
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 75 MB
Overview: Evocative, engaging and filled with vivid details, Rooms of their Own explores the homes of these three writers linked to the Bloomsbury Group. Bringing together stories of love, desire and intimacy, of evolving relationships and erotic encounters, with vivid accounts of the settings in which they took place, it offers fresh insights into their complicated, interlocking lives. Complete with first-hand accounts, this book illuminates shifting social and moral attitudes towards sexuality and gender in the 1920s and 30s.

“I hold the conviction that as the centuries go on, and the sexes become more nearly merged on account of their increasing resemblances … such connections will to a very large extent cease to be regarded as merely unnatural, and will be understood far better”. Vita Sackville-West, 1920

In the deep blue Turret Room at Knole sits a battered tin trunk inscribed “Edward Sackville-West: Various Papers”. Hoarded inside were the intimate records of lives lived at the heart of 1920s literary Bloomsbury. Lytton Strachey, James Strachey, Alix Strachey, Duncan Grant, Bunny Garnett and Stephen Tomlin all stayed with Eddy at Knole. Two of these friends – Duncan Grant and Stephen Tomlin – became lovers, filling his rooms with the vibrant outpourings of Bloomsbury creativity. Living in an England where homosexuality was illegal until 1967, Eddy’s design choices were boldly counter-cultural.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Biographies & Memoirs


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