Download Rocking This Thing Called Love by Tereesa L. Tuff (.ePUB)

Rocking This Thing Called Love by Tereesa L. Tuff (His Rock, Her Way Series Book 2)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 766 KB
Overview: Three years and a whole baby later…
Rocky should’ve been living on a cloud. Instead, her life had been turned inside out. A complete contrast to the budding friendship that quickly and despite her reservations, magically blossomed into love. He had loved her to her core, fought through her hesitancies, and made her see the beauty in giving one’s heart to another, and then… it all came crashing down. Now, she was left to pick up the pieces of her broken heart while raising their precious son without the love of her life at her side. Yet, her heart still pined ― a fact she had accepted and was willing to take to her grave, until… she wasn’t.
Dre was a go-getter, college football phenom turned pro athlete with his head on straight. Still, after falling in love with probably one of the most stubborn but caring women he’d ever met, the spell had left him dizzy and void of genuine affection, to say the least. Despite the time they had been separated, there were still so many questions he didn’t have the answers to. However, as a co-parent to their amazing son, Dre had resolved to make the best out of their situation ― settling for her terms, until… he couldn’t.
His name had been written on her soul. Her love solidified his purpose. But fear had Rocked the love they created. Now the lines were blurred. But when the dust refuses to settle, and Love is tired of waiting, will they walk down the same path as before or close their eyes and finally set each other free?
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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