Download Ripple Effect by J. Bengtsson (.ePUB)

Ripple Effect by J. Bengtsson
Requirements: epub, mobi, azw3 reader, 490 KB
Overview: She’s living next door to a superstar… and doesn’t even know it.
Enemies to lovers tale with an earth-shaking twist!
International pop star RJ Contreras finds himself at a crossroads when his mega famous boy band, AnyDayNow, breaks up. After his solo career fails to take off, RJ (a.k.a. Chad Woodcock) retreats to a no-frills apartment where he can hide out from the world and lick his festering wounds.
But when the girl next door starts slipping ‘good neighbor’ contracts under his door and complaining about his behavior through strategically placed Post-it-Notes, RJ snaps out of his self-absorbed melancholy to wage war.
Nothing short of an act of nature could repair the relationship between these two strong-willed enemies. But guess what Fate has in store?
Genre: Romance


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