Download Reviving the Rhythm by Amy Kaybach (.ePUB)

Reviving the Rhythm by Amy Kaybach (The Blind Rebels 3)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 466 kb
Overview: The third book in the Blind Rebels rock star romance series plunges drummer, Sammy, into an abyss of uncertainty after an accident threatens not just his life but the only safe place he has left. Despite the sudden dark storm that assumes control of his existence, a ray of sun peeks into his life from his past that might pull him out of the depths. Will his fears and past mistakes be too much to revive his rhythm?

Experienced paramedic Melody is a strong, confident, take charge woman who’s made it her mission to save lives, but knows from personal experience not all hearts heal, especially one damaged so long ago. Even if the heart beats again, so many things can go wrong and cause past lost love to flatline permanently.


After high school, three things mattered to me: my sister Sevenya, my drum kit, and my surfboard. With Sevenya in the passenger seat, we hightailed it to Los Angeles so I could chase my rock ‘n’ roll dreams. But I left a part of my heart on the beach.

Just as the Blind Rebels were gaining popularity, I suffered a crushing loss. One I didn’t think I’d ever recover from. I tried running to the ocean for solace, only for an accident to turn it against me.


When it comes to relationships, I’ve learned it’s best to keep my distance. Heartache takes many forms, so I’ve avoided it by perfecting the art of not getting too close. Instead, I focus on my career as a fire paramedic to help others, to make up for the one I couldn’t save.

When I saw the surfer go down in the water, my instincts and training kicked in. I never expected that the life I’d be saving off-duty would be that of my high school sweetheart. He broke my heart then. I keep his beating now. Haunted by pains of our pasts, we’re left wondering if a second chance is even possible after all these years.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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