Download Revenue Accounting with SAP S/4HANA by Sreten Milosavlj (.ePUB)+

Revenue Accounting and Reporting with SAP S/4HANA (SAP PRESS) by Sreten Milosavljevic (Author), Swayam Shankara (Author)
Requirements: .ePUB, .PDF reader, 57.7 MB
Overview: Does your business provide contract-based sales or services? Then you need this comprehensive guide to recognizing your revenue in SAP S/4HANA! Whether you’re using classic revenue accounting and reporting (RAR) or optimized contract management (OCM), get step-by-step instructions to configure RAIs and contracts. Then post, reconcile, and report your revenue. Learn about administration and troubleshooting activities, see how to migrate from classic RAR to OCM, and take your first look at event-based revenue recognition. Everything you need for “rev rec” is here!
Genre: Non-Fiction > Tech & Devices


Configure SAP S/4HANA for classic and optimized revenue recognition
Calculate, post, and report on revenue with step-by-step instructions
Enrich your revenue recognition data through BRF+ structures, custom RAIs, and more

Revenue and Contracts
Get inbound processing up and running with classic and optimized revenue recognition. Set up, process, and extend RAI classes using tools like BRFplus and APIs. Then configure contract management and performance obligations to suit the needs of your business.

Posting and Reporting
Learn about revenue reporting options in SAP S/4HANA. Post revenue using ABC jobs, reconcile revenue through the Universal Journal, and integrate revenue with profitability analysis. Extend your reports using new tools like CDS views.

Administration and Implementation
Manage your revenue recognition implementation. Learn how to handle performance issues, perform reclassifications, and clean up data. Get troubleshooting tips and insight into the migration from classic RAR to OCM in SAP S/4HANA.

Classic revenue recognition
Optimized contract management
Revenue accounting item (RAI) classes
Inbound processing
Contract management
Performance obligations
Revenue posting
Revenue reporting

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