Download Reset Your Life For a Healthy You by Pure Smart Life (.PDF)+

Reset Your Life For a Healthy You: Understanding Guide in Taking the 1st Steps on a healing wellness plan for Healthier Lifestyle Includes Meal Plan, Healing the Inside, Fitness, Mindset, & much more by Pure Smart Life
Requirements: .ePUB, .PDF, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 3 MB
Overview: Learn how to take your health, youth, and happiness back into your hands with techniques that target the very source of every problem under the sun!

Do you feel like you’re swimming under an ocean of unexplained health issues, or are you the “lucky one” who has a list of prescription medicine as long as the letters in the ingredients you can’t pronounce?

Are you tired of being exhausted? Are you sick of being unwell? The cycle never ends, and your life isn’t what its potential could be. Being unwell is one thing, but having doctors poke and prod you like cattle is another.

Your medicine cabinet fills up, and yet, you feel no better. Your chronic conditions are climbing in volume and intensity, but no one can tell you why! Sometimes, it’s a nagging feeling we get in the pit of our stomachs that says: “Hey, something’s wrong!”

Yet, the endless swarm of medical experts are stumped. You know your body, and you know when something isn’t right anymore. Your brain is smart enough to know that your current lifestyle isn’t the one you want.

Being tired, bloated, overweight, frequently down with the flu, and having doctors pile more medicine that isn’t working for you is no better than trying to grow a tree without planting the seed first.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Health, Fitness & Self-help


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