Download Remembrandt Series by Robin M. King (.ePUB)(.MOBI)

Remembrandt Series by Robin M. King (books #2, & #3)
Requirements: EPub Or Mobi Reader, 1.6mb
Overview: Robin M. King received her bachelor’s degree in education from Brigham Young University and has been instructing children and young adults for over ten years. When she’s not writing or helping her students remember the quadratic formula, she leads a clandestine life as a wife and mother of five. She’s also an undercover marathoner, photographer, singer, seamstress, baker, and household-appliance repairman.
Genre: Children/Young Adult

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#2 – Van Gogh Gone
“Espionage isn’t just her job, it’s a work of art.”
Seventeen-year-old Alexandra Stewart finally has a life worth remembering – a Spanish tutor who gives perfecto a new name, a roommate that could double as her sister, and a special role in a secret spy organization that exists in the basement of Brown University.
But when her colleague, Daly, returns from a recent trip to Moscow accompanied by a man she never thought she’d see again, Alex is ripped away from her life in Providence and sent across the globe in search of a stolen piece of art. In desperate need to find the Van Gogh painting, she will do anything to find it. Anything.
From Barcelona to Paris with only Daly at her side, the bonds of friendship are stretched as the duo uncover a truth neither one of them saw coming. Finding the painting could mean discovering a part of Alex she is ashamed could even exist, but without it, she could lose everything. The world around Alex threatens to corrupt the memories she holds most dear and the person she loves the most is at stake.

#3 – Memory of Monet
When the CIA enlists her help in locating a kidnapped teenage girl, Alex travels to Mexico City and poses as an exchange student at the elite art school where the girl went missing. But Alex can’t stop thinking about the two people she left behind in Rhode Island—her brother, Tanner, who was seriously injured in an accident, and her attractive colleague, James Daly, who would do anything to protect her.
Trying to prove to herself that working as a covert agent can be part of her future, Alex throws her energy into the mission. But scaling buildings, unraveling secrets, and saving lives might be easier than deciphering her own heart. And the enemy she is fighting could be the one person closest to her.

Download Instructions:
Van Goch Gone

Memory of Monet

All books

Book 1 – Remembrandt – Here

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